Austria & Bosnia-Herzegovina

Multi-District - Charter number

“Multi-district” refers to the national site from the two districts 1910 and 1920.

Rotary is an international network of 1.4 million committed men and women. We see a world where people begin together to create lasting change - in all countries, in our neighborhoods and within ourselves.

Rotarians maintain international friendships, live according to their social principles and work together where humanitarian aid is needed. The problems of our time require consistent commitment and a realistic vision of the future. As a globally established organization, Rotary has been leading the way for over 110 years to find sustainable solutions - on a local and international level.

What we do

Rotary members feel responsible for the people on this planet. Our 46,000+ clubs organize projects in six focus areas:

  • Promote peace
  • Fight disease
  • Provide clean water, sanitation, and hygiene
  • Save mothers and children
  • Support education
  • Grow local economies
  • Protect the environment

Our mission

We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.

Vision statement

Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.


Rotary Verwaltungsverein Distrikt 1910
Döblergasse 4/6
1070 Wien


Active members 9935
- Men 8016
- Ladies 1919
Paul Harris Fellow 3273
Club guests 14
Honorary members 337
Other contacts 739


Rotary Verwaltungsverein Distrikt 1920

Heissing Felding 127
5630 Bad Hofgastein